Today, on April 6, 2017 the Austrian Development Agency in Albania followed by a number of local journalists visited HPP Ashta in the framework of a visiting tour among government and privately fund Austrian investments in Albania. During their visit they were acquainted with the successful Ashta project and the state of the art technology applied there. Focusing on successful investment and management models, Heinz Habertheuer head of ADA in Albania said that “HPP Ashta is a very positive example of a foreign investment which is operated 100% by local professionals on a daily basis”. The team visited the control room where all functionalities of the HPP are remotely overviewed and then were accompanied outdoors to check one of the most environmental advantages for the local fauna, the fish ladder, the only one ever built in Albania. This solution enables the fish to swim back upstream contributing thus in keeping many fish species intact. The trash rack machine was another eye catcher of the visit. This machine which has collected more than 70 tones of waste in four years has prevented a continued pollution of the River Drin that could have ended ultimately in the Adriatic Sea.