High security standards at HPP Ashta

Energji Ashta has developed an emergency and crisis management system. During the last years Energji Ashta staff has been trained in the emergency and crisis management procedures according to the internal emergency management plan.
After ending the preparation phase Energji Ashta conducted a field exercise (FEX) on the 29th of August.
The aim of FEX was to rigorously evaluate the company’s resilience in response to incidents, emergencies and crisis. During the implementation of the FEX it could be assessed the co-ordination and communication between Emergency Management Station Manager and Crisis Management Vienna including all relevant internal and external actors, the practice on immediate action under stress like circumstances, time pressure, reporting, media handling and tactical intervention at the spot.
The preparations for the realization of this ambitious exercise have started since the first half of 2017 and we are very proud to have had the support of the Shkodra police, special operation unit police, fire service Shkodra, Civil Emergency Service Shkodra and MRDC (Medical Response Diplomatic Corps) and the full involvement, including Emergency Management team and fire service of Energji Ashta staff.
For Mr. Gerald Fuehrer, Exercise Director of the FEX “the in the field exercise involved organisations had to cope with a complex and demanding scenario. The different emergency management services responded in a coordinated way executing the tasks in a professional way”.
At the end of the successful completion of the exercise where more than 50 people were involved, Mr. Gjovalin Loka, head of the Shkodra Police expressed his pleasure in being involved in these kind of activities which should be able to help in better managing potential crisis scenarios.
During the debriefing following the end of the FEX, Mr Dietmar Reiner thanked all parties involved in the successful organization of the activity and pointed out the great importance of a successful collaboration in times of crisis.