The year 2020 has been a very challenging one for the whole world. With limited access and physical distancing restrictions, this year we were unfortunately unable to get together with neighboring schools to conduct our regular annual CSR projects.
At the completion of these projects the schools are awarded with a financial support of 1000,- EURO each.
The school projects have become part of our company’s history. Young girls and boys with bursting energies and creative ideas enroll their ideas get to life with the support of Energji Ashta. They saw that with teamwork, good ideas and great support they could bring a difference to their local school.
Although the projects were not realized this year due to the Covid-pandemic we want to show to our little friends that they can count on us. Energji Ashta will continue supporting them financially this year committed to being a trustworthy and reliable partner. We are confident that next year will be exciting and full of new possibilities to be more creative and put together great projects!